Plowshares to Lasers
Eve Online PvP and Fitting
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Introduction to Cruisers: Amarr, Caldari
T1 cruisers narrowly won a strawpoll for the next topic, so thats what this, and the next post will be. Also, I have gone back and added ta...
Friday, June 27, 2014
Blog Banter: Understanding how to fit
› Kirith Kodachi asks the following question: What can be done to help pla...
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Musings on consensual pvp, scouting, Rock Paper Scissors and the hidden advantage
Foreword: The magnanimous Michael Harari let me post some disorganised thoughts on EvE while he was away. This is submitted without his usua...
Friday, June 6, 2014
Guest Authors
I will be out of the country for a while on my honeymoon, so I have arranged for a few guest posts. Hopefully all the authors will follow t...
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Its all in your head
A break from ships! This post will be going over capsule fittings, i.e. implants You should almost always have implants. Even in nullsec...
Monday, June 2, 2014
Introducton to destroyers - the ones that arent covered in rust
This is a continuation of the previous post. The rest of the t1 destroyers are below. Gallente: Catalyst - This is well known for suic...
Friday, May 30, 2014
Introduction to Destroyers - Minmatar
I am breaking destroyers up a bit more than frigates, since I am quite busy IRL. I plan to do the destroyers, and then take a break from ju...
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